
Hot Girls Sometimes Have Blogs

After a 4 year hiatus from my first blog, I am starting this new one to reflect where I am now that I am married with a baby -- er, preschooler. Not that I cannot relate to my former single self, but reading those posts now, I feel like it was a different life entirely. I guess a 4 year break can do that to you. Mercifully for me, I no longer have to navigate the dating world, which will rob my readers of some hilarious and/or pathetic tales, no doubt. But the old blog is still here , so if you want to wander through the back story, be my guest. I'll still read any comments you post. I've always had a self-improvement bent. Who doesn't have something in their lives they want to change? Now that I am a full time working mom, the areas of my life ripe for improvement are too numerous to list. So in this blog, I will tackle them one at a time. I am using the term "tackle" lightly. It will be more of a passing shoulder bump, if my past behavior is any indication. (G
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