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Hot Girls Sometimes Have Blogs

After a 4 year hiatus from my first blog, I am starting this new one to reflect where I am now that I am married with a baby -- er, preschooler. Not that I cannot relate to my former single self, but reading those posts now, I feel like it was a different life entirely. I guess a 4 year break can do that to you. Mercifully for me, I no longer have to navigate the dating world, which will rob my readers of some hilarious and/or pathetic tales, no doubt. But the old blog is still here, so if you want to wander through the back story, be my guest. I'll still read any comments you post.

I've always had a self-improvement bent. Who doesn't have something in their lives they want to change? Now that I am a full time working mom, the areas of my life ripe for improvement are too numerous to list. So in this blog, I will tackle them one at a time. I am using the term "tackle" lightly. It will be more of a passing shoulder bump, if my past behavior is any indication. (Goal #1: Take goals more seriously.)

From eating better to organizing closets to applying for a promotion you have but a hair's breadth chance of getting, we all have goals. But between busy schedules, lack of motivation, feelings of hopelessness, unexpected setbacks, and an ever-changing list of priorities, goals are not met as frequently as most of us would like. How do we keep them at the forefront, and prevent them from slipping through our fingers like grains of sand? (I have no idea, actually, which is why I am starting this blog, so if you're here for answers, you're going to have to learn along with me!)

Fans of my previous blog might remember The Hot Girl Lifestyle. This is a phrase I use when describing those women who seem to have it all together. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with one's physical appearance, but it can. Hot Girls are interesting, busy, organized, usually thin, good at decorating, have fancy stationery, shop at local (read: expensive) boutiques, have seemingly perfect marriages, can make a mean crab dip, understand how Twitter works, know what is happening in Syria, always look fantastic even while exercising, knew about Lularoe before everyone else did, volunteer at their kid's school, are never ruffled by anything life throws at them, go on yoga retreats to exotic locales, have well-behaved and clean children, attend fundraising get the idea. My point is, we all know Her. The Hot Girl. The friend, neighbor, coworker, relative, complete stranger, or celebrity who seems to exist only to make us feel wholly inadequate. We gaze at her (sometimes furtively, sometimes slack-jawed) in awe, curiosity, or more frequently in my case -- envy.

It is my firm belief that all women struggle with feelings of inadequacy in some form or fashion -- yes, even Gisele Bundchen -- and like a magnet, we find ourselves irresistibly drawn to the specific Hot Girl who has overcome that very source of our own insecurities. As much as we wish we were happy with our own lot in life, we cannot help but hero-worship. We know it's not emotionally healthy to focus so much on the perceived perfection of the lives of others, yet we cannot tamp down the rising bile of envy in the back of our throats. Sometimes we find ourselves in the worst possible situation with a Hot Girl: we actually like her. And she actually likes us, too. So what can we do?

I hope you will join me as I address my these issues. I want to study Hot Girls like Jane Goodall studied chimpanzees. I want to learn how to stop comparing myself to others all the time. (Perhaps the Jane Goodall idea is a bad way to stop doing that...) I'm hoping this blog will keep me accountable, too, as I will be sharing some of my goals with my readers as I go. More likely, you'll get to laugh at my pathetic attempts at self-improvement and feelings of inadequacy. Which should make you feel like The Hot Girl in comparison.
